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SCE in Rheumatology
You can review 487 questions from the online test to get ready for the Rheumatology SCE.
Topics Discussed | Exam Planning
You can study using categorized revision with this unique online resource for Rheumatology SCE revision. The resource is broken down into the following topics and follows the same format as the MRCPUK exam blueprint:
Rheumatology in children and adolescents (25 questions)
Pharmacology and clinical science (70 questions)
Bone disease and adult metabolism (70 questions)
Neoplasia, adult infection, and other (77 questions)
Adult diseases of connective tissue (114 questions)
Soft tissue, regional, diffuse, and adult osteoarthritis pain (66 questions)
138 questions about adult inflammatory arthritis, including crystal arthropathies
Included are Questions, Answers, Explanations, and References!