by Nafi Aygun MD (Author)
This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Skull Base Imaging, and is edited by Dr. Nafi Aygun. Articles will include: Overview of Expanded Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Base for Radiologists; Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses and Anterior Skull Base; Imaging of the Sella Turcica and Pituitary Gland; Imaging of Diplopia; Imaging of the Central Skull Base; Imaging of Vascular Compression Syndromes (Including Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm); Imaging of the Posterior Skull Base (Lower Cranial Nerves Excluding the 7th and 8th Nerves); Imaging Evaluation and Treatment of Vascular Lesions at the Skull Base; Perineural Spread of Tumor in the Skull Base; Advanced Imaging Techniques of the Skull Base; High Resolution Imaging of the Skull Base; Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea and Otorrhea, and more!
Published Year
Edition : 1
ISBN : 9780323482707
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