Principles and Practice of Surgery, E-Book 8th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Through Garden , O James Rowan W Parks, MBBCh BAO MD FRCSI FRCS (Ed ) , Stephen J Wigmore , BS MB ChB MD FRCS (Glas ) FRCS (Ed ) FRCP (Ed ) FRACS (Hon ) FRCScan (Hon ).
This extensive textbook is Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine , the internationally bestselling surgical companion
It offers a summary of the fundamental surgical subjects covered in an integrated medical curriculum and, subsequently , in the practice.
The understanding of surgical disease and the management of the surgical patient is approached in the book in a clear and practical manner
In addition to providing thorough treatment of the major surgical specialties , it addresses current concerns about patient safety and the crucial role that clinical human factors play in surgical practice
Rewritten to take into account new knowledge and evidence-based practice , this text keeps students current and should be required reading for any trainee surgeon.
Simple to read and make sense of
Excellently presented with line drawings , excellent radiographic pictures, and color photographs to aid in tests and in the clinical situation
Summary boxes and evidence boxes throughout to supplement the text,
in line with surgical curriculum at the undergraduate and graduate levels
New sections on patient safety , worldwide surgery , clinical human aspects , and professional and ethical obligations
thorough data on surgical practice worldwide.
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