OnExamination SCE In Acute Medicine (Updated Feb 2023) (PDF)
Helping You Pass Your Acute Medicine SCE 315+ inquiries Our questions are aligned with the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board’s Specialty Training Curriculum for Acute Internal Medicine.
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Demo Question Which of the following could be the cause of hypertension that is hypokalaemic? The Bartter syndrome Diabetic kidney disease Liddle’s syndrome Unusual congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) of type IV
Important Takeaway Hypokalaemic hypertension and low renin and aldosterone concentrations, often known as pseudo-hyperaldosteronism, are commonly linked to Liddle’s syndrome. Justification Hypokalaemic hypertension and low renin and aldosterone concentrations, often known as pseudo-hyperaldosteronism, are commonly linked to Liddle’s syndrome. Hypokalaemia is linked to Bartter’s syndrome; nevertheless, hypertension is not one of its symptoms. Hyperkalaemia is more common in type IV RTA because to hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism, which can also be caused by diabetic nephropathy. Clever Features To Increase Your Editing Efforts Everyday Queries Stay on course. Choose a time that works for you, and we’ll give you a daily customized revision question. Plans for Revision Convert your shortcomings into your advantages. Concentrate on the areas of expertise that will teach you the most.