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Demo Question Which of the following answers best describes an adult ‘s need for one-lung ventilation ? to help with oesophagectomy surgical access In order to regulate the ventilation distribution in a patient suffering from a bronchopleural fistula For the purpose of improving surgical access during mediastinal mass excision To make upper lobectomy surgical access easier In order to enhance the operative access for thoracoscopic surgery supported by video Important Takeaway
For a single lung ventilation , there are relative and absolute signs
Although the indications for bettering surgical access are generally very desired , they are not regarded as absolute
Justification One-lung ventilation has both absolute and relative signs
Although the indications for bettering surgical access are generally very desirable , they are not thought to be absolute
Absolute indicators consist of :
isolation of a healthy lung in order to avoid infection or harm from a pulmonary hemorrhage or abscess
management of ventilation to avoid volutrauma or barotrauma to injured lung tissue (such as bronchial trauma , large cysts or bulla , or bronchopleural fistula )
assistance with single lung lavage
Enabling surgical access for thoracic aortic surgery , lung resection , minimally invasive cardiac surgery , oesophageal surgery , video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS ) , and mediastinal mass resection are examples of relative indications