Macleod’s Clinical Examination 14th Edition
by J. Alastair Innes BSc PhD FRCP Ed (Editor), Anna R Dover PhD FRCP(Ed) (Editor), Karen Fairhurst PhD FRCGP (Editor)
The goal of this well-known textbook is to help medical professionals acquire the practical skills necessary to recognize
clinical symptoms of illness and the consultation abilities necessary to obtain a complete history
To help with comprehension , the physical foundation of clinical symptoms is given wherever feasible
The logical preliminary investigations for each system are presented , along with an introduction to the formulation of a differential diagnosis based on the information obtained
In the first section of the book , the fundamentals of doing a thorough examination and obtaining a history are covered ,
as well as how to utilize pattern recognition to discover spot diagnoses
For each of the main bodily systems , the appropriate history , examination , and investigations are covered in the second section
The application of these abilities to certain clinical scenarios is demonstrated in the third section
The preparation for clinical skill evaluations and the use of these abilities in routine practice are covered in the last section
Videos that go along with the book illustrate many of the important clinical examination procedures that it outlines
With the assistance of several new writers , a new editorial team has thoroughly reviewed the book ‘s contents and drastically changed the text ‘s structure and approach
A number of new chapters have been added , such as ones on patients with mental illnesses , how to treat a patient
who is declining , how to assess patients who are nearing the end of their lives , and two new chapters on using critical clinical skills in assessments and practice
With careful use of boxes , tables , and figures to lay out the principles for optimum clarity , the text ‘s structure has been rationalized .
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