Krause And Mahan’s Food & The Nutrition Care Process, 15th Edition (Original PDF)
For more than half a century, Krause and Mahan’s Food & the Nutrition treatment Process , 15th Edition has been a dependable classic. It offers the most recent dietetics information available in this dynamic subject to make sure you give the best possible nutritional treatment. It provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of every dietetics topic under the sun in a single book .
You’ll gain access to comprehensive knowledge from medical professionals that offers actionable and research-backed suggestions on nutrition assessment and intervention, individual nutritional needs at different phases of life, nutrition for fitness and health, and medical nutrition therapy .
UNIQUE! To assist you in providing the best possible nutritional care, pathophysiology algorithms explain the etiology ,
pathophysiology, and medical nutrition management for a range of illnesses and ailments.
REVISED You will find important information in the chapter Inflammation and the Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease to help you comprehend how nutrition and diet impact the body and influence disease processes.
REVISED To help you better grasp the nutritional requirements of patients of all ages , Part III : Nutrition in the Life Cycle section of the book presents the most recent nutrition standards from pregnancy through adulthood.
Clinical case studies assist you in applying the nutrition care approach to effectively translate academic information into patient care.
Nutrition diagnosis boxes give you real-life scenarios that you would meet in practice by presenting an issue, its etiology, indications, and symptoms, and then closing with an example nutrition diagnosis.
Clinical resources for your research are included in Clinical Insight boxes, which also identify new areas of emphasis and provide further clinical information.
See Also: Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process (Original PDF from Publisher)
NEW! International nutrition recommendations and tools are provided in the chapter “Food-Nutrient Delivery: Planning the Diet with Cultural Competency” to help you with multicultural meal planning.
Introducing you to the most recent findings on CRISPR and epigenetics, this chapter on clinical genomics includes a contributor from the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health.
NEW! The MNT for Neurologic Disorders chapter has two new writers, one of whom is a speech therapist. It also includes an appendix with dysphagia diet recommendations and IDDSI guidelines to assist you in providing these patients with the meticulous and consistent nutritional care they require.
NEW! To help you become more knowledgeable in these clinical nutritional domains, the chapters on Clinical: Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance and Clinical: Biochemical, Physical, and Functional Assessment have been updated with the most recent, evidence-based complementary and integrative techniques.
Completely updated guidelines and a new pathophysiology algorithm are included in the NEW! MNT for Adverse Reactions to Food: Food Allergies and Intolerance chapter to make sure you are confident in your understanding of how to prevent emergencies and what to do when they do occur.
NEW! Intermittent fasting, health at every size, and health inequities are covered, with an emphasis on the newest trends in nutrition to make sure you are knowledgeable about these subjects.
NEW! You can rapidly locate further material by using the at-a-glance information displayed in the appendices on the Mediterranean Diet, Choline, and Biotin.
NEW! Focus and Directions boxes You may locate information quickly and easily with the help of on boxes, helpful links, resources, and key terms at the end of each chapter.