Frequently asked questions before purchasing
In which formats are the books available?
All books on our website are available in PDF and EPUB formats. Each book's format is specified in the book's details section.
Can I open PDF files on my mobile device?
Yes, most mobile devices have a built-in PDF viewer, so you can open PDF files on your mobile device.
Are my purchase history and personal information saved?
Yes, all of your purchase history and personal information will be saved on our website until you delete your account.
How can I purchase a book?
You can select the book you want to purchase from our website, add it to your shopping cart, enter your personal information in the checkout process, and pay for the book.
Can I request a book that is not available on the website?
Yes, if the book you want is not available on our website, you can use the "Request Book" section to request it. We will try to prepare the book for you as soon as possible and notify you via email.
How can I download the book after purchase?
After completing the purchase, we will send the download link to your email address.
What should I do if the download link is broken?
If the download link is not working for any reason, you can contact us using the contact form on our website. We will assist you in resolving the issue and provide you with a working download link.